Thursday, March 26, 2009

Santa Monica Daily Press

On Sunday I wrote a letter to the editor of The Santa Monica Daily Press about Huyen's visa story. Included in the letter was a line saying that Waxman's office blew me off. The next morning I woke up with two emails. The first email was from The Santa Monica Daily Press saying they were going to publish my letter this week. The second email was from someone in Waxman's office saying he was on my case. The timing was extremely interesting from Waxman's office since I hadn't heard back from them in over two weeks. My gut tells me that someone called them about my letter (I had submitted letters to a few California newspapers). In fairness to Waxman's late effort, I emailed the SMDP back and asked them to remove the line about Waxman blowing me off. The editor, Kevin, removed the line and emailed me that my letter was being printed today.

You can see my letter at:

The Santa Monica Daily Press isn't exactly the New York Times but it is in the heart of Waxman's jurisdiction. After feeling saddened by the lack of response by my congressman, it feels good to know that the first amendment is still in tact. When a person has a story to tell, they can tell it. Thanks for taking the time to read and to print my letter, Santa Monica Daily Press.